It makes sense that you are overwhelmed and confused in this age of information.
Every time you scroll on Instagram, you are being bombarded with ways to heal your nervous system, your inner child, you energetic body, etc.
You have one person telling you to do this, and another telling you to do that...
Knowing where to start can be tricky, to say the least!
I get it, when I first started on this healing journey,
I was in the same position as you.
I didn't know how much time or energy to invest in certain practices, and I didn't know what was
actually going to give me results rather than waste my time, energy, and money.****
I longed for somewhere I could turn to find all of the info that I needed in one place, no thrills or fluff, just real down-to-Earth healing that would really change my life.
**💫 This is what I have put together for you 💫**
<aside> <img src="/icons/arrow-right_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/arrow-right_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> THE ASCENSION FORMULA
Healing does have a strategy and this is my 4-step formula for moving you out of being stuck in your ways (survival mode) towards a whole new way of living (thriving). In COR, you will learn all about how your nervous system has been wired and how this wiring is having an impact on your health, your relationships, your energy levels, and how to heal it!
<aside> <img src="/icons/arrow-right_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/arrow-right_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> EASY TO FOLLOW STEPS TO HEAL
Contrary to popular belief, healing doesn’t require you to take hours out of your day to sit in meditation or book yourself on week-long retreats in Bali - not all of us have this privilege. Thankfully, there is another way! I will teach you how to make healing a part of your lifestyle so that self-care becomes a natural part of your day, rather than something you are struggling to find time for.
<aside> <img src="/icons/arrow-right_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/arrow-right_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> RECONNECT WITH YOURSELF
Whether you are running around like a headless chicken, always on the go, or you feel like you’re dragging yourself through the day waiting to crawl back into bed, COR will teach you to reconnect with your body & your nervous system to create a deeply loving, and intimate relationship with yourself. It’s being in the present moment, and being in your body, where the magic of healing takes place, and COR will take you there.
😲 Do you feel like you have so much on your plate that one more thing will cause a major breakdown? 😲Do you stay up late scrolling on social media, even though you keep promising yourself you will get an early night? 😲 Are you anxious about 99.9% of the time? 😲 Do your moods go up and down more times than a yo-yo?
🪄 Moving through your day with ease and grace, knowing that nothing is going to knock you down
🔮Getting a solid night's sleep and waking up to a glorious morning routine that doesn't involve rushing through breakfast whilst Instagram scrolling.
🪄 Kissing your partner(s) or kids good morning instead of feeling like you want to murder them before you have even left the bed!
The first step is understanding how your nervous system has been shaped in such a way that causes all of these 👆 things to happen in the first place, then follow an simple strategy that will transform your way of healing and being!